Tuesday, January 15, 2013

HDMI to VGA on Acer G235H

OS: Occidentalis v0.2
Hardware: Raspberry Pi revision B, HDMI to VGA (AdaFruit), Acer G235H
Reference: RPiconfig

According to newegg.com where I purchased the monitor the max resolution is 1920x1080 on this monitor.  However with the hdmi to vga connection the max resolution I was able to achieve is 1680x1050.

When you look at the pi's SD card there is a file config.txt.  When on the pi it is located in the /boot/ folder.

Through trail and error I found these to be the needed settings in config.txt:


If you go back to using the pi on a hdtv you will need to comment out the first two lines and it will automatically work as before.